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Super resolution Mcroscopy
BioAxial CODIM Imaging

BioAxial CODIM Imaging
  • BioAxial CODIM Imaging
  • BioAxial CODIM Imaging



BioAxial manufactures high resolution imaging instruments for the life science and healthcare R&D communities. The company’s breakthrough technology and solutions enable imaging capabilities required for advanced research. BioAxial's CODIM is a add-on module which brings super resolution at a level of 100nm to confocal and widefield fluorescence microscope platforms. Based on a unique combination of fluorescence microscopy, crystal optics and proprietary algorithms, BioAxial’s instruments can measure 2D and 3D samples marked with a wide variety of standard fluorophores.

- Value Proposition -

Adoption of super-resolution imaging in cell biology labs is currently limited by 3 critical challenges: maintaining the integrity of biological samples, technical complexity, cost of ownership. BioAxial’s answer to these challenges is CODIM, a new and universal SR imaging modality.

  • High performance super resolution multicolor imaging
  • Seamless integration with all fluorescence microscopes
  • Standard fluorescence microscopy sample preparation workflow
  • Low photo-toxicity and photobleaching


- Image Gallery -

Mitotic Spindles and Cytoskeleton from HeLa Cells, PRC1-GFP, mRFP-CENP-B

Juraj Simunic, Laboratory for Cell Biophysics, Lab, Zagerb, Croatia

Rat hippocampal neurons A488-beta-spectrin

Diana Zala, Brain Plasticity, Zsolt LeinKei Lab, ESPCI, Paris.

FluoCells prepared slides

Thermo Fisher Scientific, F24631
CODIM (top), Confocal(bottom), 488 nm and 561nm excitation lasers, overlay, 60x1.49 objective on A1 Nikon. Alexa 488-Phallooidin for F-Action labelling; green fluorescent BODIPY for microtubules labelling.

FluoCells prepared slides

Thermo Fisher Scientific, F24631
CODIM (top), Confocal(bottom), 488 nm and 561nm excitation lasers, overlay, 60x1.49 objective on A1 Nikon. Alexa 488-Phallooidin for F-Action labelling; green fluorescent BODIPY for microtubules labelling.

Neural stem cells intermediate filaments and transcription factors, Nestin-A488 A647-Sox2

Courtesy of Paulina Ejsmont, Equipe 《Développement du Cerveau》, Hassam Bassem Lab, ICM, Hôpital Pitié -Salapêtrière, Paris.

Neurons Golgi apparatus early endosomes and B-amyloid precursor protein, Rab5-A488 A55-APP

Courtesy of Paulina Ejsmont, Equipe 《Développement du Cerveau》, Hassam Bassem Lab, ICM, Hôpital Pitié -Salapêtrière, Paris.

Multicilia cells, AlexaFluor 488, Phalloidin, F-Actin

L.-M. Zaragosi, IMPC, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, France
Tile reconstruction. Confocal (on the left), CODIM (on the right), secalebar 1㎛. 488nm excitation laser, 60x 1.49NA oil immersion objective on a C2 Nikon

Macrophage from drosophilia larvae, Alexa568 tubulin

Nicola Lawrence, Gurdon institute, Cambridge, UK
Tile reconstruction. Confocal (on the left), CODIM (on the right), secalebar 2㎛. 561nm excitation laser, 60x 1.2NA water immersion objective on a C2 Nikon